A Fully Dynamic Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC: The Advantages of a Multi-Level Reconfiguration 1331_a_fully_dynamic_reconfigurable_nocbased_mpsoc_the_advanta.pdf

Publication TypeConference Paper
TitleA Fully Dynamic Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC: The Advantages of a Multi-Level Reconfiguration
Author(s)P.C. Santos
G.L. Nazar
F. Anjam
S. Wong
D. Matos
L. Carro
Publication DateJanuary 2013
Conference Name2nd Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multi-Core Embedded Computing Platforms
Period22 January 2013
LocationBerlin, Germany
Page Numbers
Selected PublicationNo
Topic(s)Adaptive Power/Performance Scaling
Theme(s)Electronic System Level Design
Group(s)Computer Engineering

IEEE BibTex entry:
author = "P.C. Santos and G.L. Nazar and F. Anjam and S. Wong and D. Matos and L. Carro",
title = "A Fully Dynamic Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC: The Advantages of a Multi-Level Reconfiguration",
booktitle = "Proc. 2nd Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multi-Core Embedded Computing Platforms",
address = "Berlin, Germany",
month = "January",
year = "2013",
pages = ""