F. Duarte

NameF. Duarte
First NameFilipa
Author TypePhd Student
AffiliationTU Delft


F. Duarte, S. Wong, Cache-Based Memory Copy Hardware Accelerator for Multi-Core Systems 247_cachebased_memory_copy_hardware_accelerator_for_multicore.pdf (November 2010), IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), volume 59, issue 11 [Journal Paper]
F. Duarte, S.D. Breijer, S. Wong, Supporting the Linux Operating System on the MOLEN Processor Prototype 681_supporting_the_linux_operating_system_on_the_molen_processor.pdf (November 2007), 18th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2007), 29-30 November 2007, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
F. Duarte, S. Wong, Analysis of a User-space Device-driver for the memcpy Hardware 680_analysis_of_a_userspace_devicedriver_for_the_memcpy_hardwa.pdf (November 2007), 18th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2007), 29-30 November 2007, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
S.D. Breijer, F. Duarte, S. Wong, An OCM Based Shared Memory Controller For Virtex 4 575_an_ocm_based_shared_memory_controller_for_virtex_4.pdf (August 2007), 17th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2007), 27-29 August 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
S. Vassiliadis, F. Duarte, S. Wong, A Load/Store Unit for a memcpy Hardware Accelerator 576_a_loadstore_unit_for_a_memcpy_hardware_accelerator.pdf (August 2007), 17th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2007), 27-29 August 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
F. Duarte, S. Wong, A memcpy Hardware Accelerator Solution for Non Cache-line Aligned Copies 596_a_memcpy_hardware_accelerator_solution_for_non_cacheline_al.pdf (July 2007), 18th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2007), 8-11 July 2007, Montréal, Canada [Conference Paper]
S. Wong, F. Duarte, S. Vassiliadis, A Hardware Cache memcpy Accelerator 770_a_hardware_cache_memcpy_accelerator.pdf (December 2006), International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT 2006), 13-15 December 2006, Bangkok, Thailand [Conference Paper]
F. Duarte, S. Wong, Profiling Bluetooth and Linux on the Xilinx Virtex II Pro 714_profiling_bluetooth_and_linux_on_the_xilinx_virtex_ii_pro.pdf (August 2006), 9th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 2006), 30 August - 1 September 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia [Conference Paper]
F. Duarte, S. Wong, Bluetooth Profiling on Xilinx Virtex II Pro 887_bluetooth_profiling_on_xilinx_virtex_ii_pro.pdf (November 2005), 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2005), 17-18 November 2005, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
F. Duarte, S. Wong, Bluetooth protocol profiling on the Xilinx Virtex II Pro (September 2005), 5th Architectures and Compilers for Embedded Systems Symposium (ACES 2005), 26-27 September 2005, Edegem, Belgium [Conference Paper]