A.J.C. van Gemund

NameA.J.C. van Gemund
First NameArjan
Author TypeExternal
AffiliationTU Delft


G.L. Reijns, A.J.C. van Gemund, Reliability Analysis of Hierarchical Systems Using Statistical Moments 566_reliability_analysis_of_hierarchical_systems_using_statistic.pdf (September 2007), IEEE Transactions on Reliability (TR), volume 56, issue 3 [Journal Paper]
G.L. Reijns, A.J.C. van Gemund, H. Gautama, On the Use of Pierson Distributions for the Performance Prediction of Parallel Programs (December 2003), Symposium on Performance Evaluation - Stories and Perspectives, 5-6 December 2003, Vienna, Austria [Conference Paper]
A. Radulescu, A.J.C. van Gemund, Low-cost task scheduling for distributed-memory machines 1168_lowcost_task_scheduling_for_distributedmemory_machines.pdf (June 2002), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), volume 13, issue 6 [Journal Paper]
H. Gautama, A.J.C. van Gemund, Symbolic performance prediction of data-dependent parallel programs 1117_symbolic_performance_prediction_of_datadependent_parallel.pdf (April 2002), 12th International Conference on Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools (TOOLS 2002), 14-17 April 2002, London, UK [Conference Paper]
A. Radulescu, A.J.C. van Gemund, A low-cost approach towards mixed task and data parallel scheduling 1174_a_lowcost_approach_towards_mixed_task_and_data_parallel_sc.pdf (September 2001), International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2001), 3-7 September 2001, Valencia, Spain [Conference Paper]
H. Gautama, A.J.C. van Gemund, Performance Prediction of Data-Dependent Task Parallel Programs 1178_performance_prediction_of_datadependent_task_parallel_prog.pdf (August 2001), 7th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par 2001), 28-31 August 2001, Manchester, UK [Conference Paper]
H. Gautama, A.J.C. van Gemund, Low-cost Performance Prediction of Data-Dependent Data Parallel Programs (August 2001), 9th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2001), 15-18 August 2001, Cincinnati, USA [Conference Paper]
A. Gonzalez Escribano, A.J.C. van Gemund, V. Cardenoso Payo, Predicting the Impact of Implementation Level Aspects on Parallel Application Performance (June 2001), 9th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2001), 27-29 June 2001, Edinburgh, UK [Conference Paper]
H. Gautama, A.J.C. van Gemund, Static Cost Estimation of Data-Dependent Parallel Programs (June 2001), 9th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2001), 27-29 June 2001, Edinburgh, UK [Conference Paper]
H. Gautama, A.J.C. van Gemund, On the Use of Alternating Renewal Processes in Static Branch Prediction (May 2001), 7th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI 2001), 30 May - 1 June 2001, Heijen, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
A.J.C. van Gemund, H. Gautama, Trade-offs in Symbolic Cost Estimation of Parallel Programs (April 2001), European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2001), 2-6 April 2001, Genova, Italy [Conference Paper]
G.L. Reijns, A.J.C. van Gemund, H. Gautama, Performance analysis of multi-stage interconnection networks with deterministic service times 1239_performance_analysis_of_multistage_interconnection_network.pdf (March 2001), Parallel Processing Letters (PPL), volume 11, issue 1 [Journal Paper]
H.E. Bal, A.J.C. van Gemund, A. Radulescu, The distributed ASCI supercomputer project (October 2000), ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, volume 34, issue 4 [Journal Paper]
A. Gonzalez Escribano, A.J.C. van Gemund, V. Cardenoso Payo, Measuring the Performance Impact of SP-restricted Programming on Distributed-Memory Machines (September 2000), Perspectivas des Paralelismo en Computadores, 11-13 September 2000, Granada, Spain [Conference Paper]
H. Gautama, A.J.C. van Gemund, Static Performance Prediction of Data-Dependent Programs 1241_static_performance_prediction_of_datadependent_programs.pdf (September 2000), 2nd International Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP 2000), 17-20 September 2000, Ottawa, Canada [Conference Paper]
A. Gonzalez Escribano, A.J.C. van Gemund, V. Cardenoso Payo, J. Alonso Lopez, D. Martin Garcia, A. Pedrosa Calvo, Measuring the Performance Impact of SP-restricted Programming in Shared-Memory Machines (June 2000), 4th International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing (VECPAR 2000), 21-23 June 2000, Porto, Portugal [Conference Paper]
H. Gautama, A.J.C. van Gemund, On the Use of Lambda Distributions in Parallel Program Performance Prediction (June 2000), 6th Annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI 2000), 14-16 June 2000, Lommel, Belgium [Conference Paper]
A. Radulescu, A.J.C. van Gemund, Fast and effective task scheduling in heterogeneous systems 1265_fast_and_effective_task_scheduling_in_heterogeneous_systems.pdf (May 2000), 9th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW 2000), 1 May 2000, Cancun, Mexico [Conference Paper]
A. Gonzalez Escribano, A.J.C. van Gemund, V. Cardenoso Payo, Performance Trade-offs in Series-parallel Programming Models (January 2000), 8th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2000), January 2000, Aussois, France [Conference Paper]