J.C. Le Lann
Name | J.C. Le Lann |
First Name | Jean-Christophe |
jean-christophe.le_lann@ensta-bretagne.fr | |
Author Type | External |
Affiliation | ENSTA Bretagne, France |
I. Ashraf, K.L.M. Bertels, N. Khammassi, J.C. Le Lann,
Communication-aware Parallelization Strategies for High Performance Applications
(July 2015),
IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 08-10 July 2015, Montpellier, France
[Conference Paper]
N. Khammassi, J.C. Le Lann,
XPU: A C++ Metaprogramming Approach to Ease Parallelism Expression: Parallelization Methodology, Internal Design and Practical Application
(November 2014),
Book Title "Parallel Programming: Practical Aspects, Models and Current Limitations", Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, USA
[Book Chapter]
N. Khammassi, J.C. Le Lann,
A High-Level Programming Model to Ease Pipeline Parallelism Expression On Shared Memory Multicore Architectures
(April 2014),
ACM High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2014), 13-16 April 2014, Tampa, USA
, HPC '14 Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium Article No. 9
[Conference Proceedings]
N. Khammassi, J.C. Le Lann,
Tackling Real-Time Signal Processing Applications on Shared Memory Multicore Architectures Using XPU
(February 2014),
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2014), 5-7 Februari 2014, Toulouse, France
[Conference Proceedings]
N. Khammassi, J.C. Le Lann,
Design and Implementation Of A Cache Hierarchy-Aware Task Scheduling For Parallel Loops On Multicore Architectures
(February 2014),
Third International conference on Parallel, Distributed Computing technologies and Applications (PDCTA 2014), 3-10 February 2014, Sydney, Australia
[Conference Proceedings]
N. Khammassi, J.C. Le Lann, J.Ph. Diguet, A. Skrzyniarz,
MHPM: Multi-Scale Hybrid Programming Model: A Flexible Parallelization Methodology
(June 2012),
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HPCC 2012), 25-27 June 2012, Liverpool, United Kindom
, Liverpool, UK
[Conference Proceedings]