F. Anjam

NameF. Anjam
First NameFakhar
Author TypePhd Student
AffiliationTU Delft


G. Keramidas, S. Wong, F. Anjam, A.A.C. Brandon, R.A.E. Seedorf, C. Scordino, L. Carro, D. Matos, R. Giorgi, S. Kavvadias, S.A. McKee, B. Goel, V. Spiliopoulos, Embedded Reconfigurable Computing: the ERA Approach 1381_embedded_reconfigurable_computing_the_era_approach.pdf (July 2013), 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2013), 29-31 July 2013, Bochum, Germany [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, S. Wong, Configurable Fault-tolerance for a Configurable VLIW Processor 1330_configurable_faulttolerance_for_a_configurable_vliw_proces.pdf (March 2013), 9th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2013), 25-27 March 2013, Los Angeles, USA [Conference Paper]
P.C. Santos, G.L. Nazar, F. Anjam, S. Wong, D. Matos, L. Carro, A Fully Dynamic Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC: The Advantages of Total Reconfiguration 1344_a_fully_dynamic_reconfigurable_nocbased_mpsoc_the_advanta.pdf (January 2013), 7th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (WRC 2013), 21 January 2013, Berlin, Germany [Conference Paper]
P.C. Santos, G.L. Nazar, F. Anjam, S. Wong, D. Matos, L. Carro, A Fully Dynamic Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC: The Advantages of a Multi-Level Reconfiguration 1331_a_fully_dynamic_reconfigurable_nocbased_mpsoc_the_advanta.pdf (January 2013), 2nd Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multi-Core Embedded Computing Platforms (DITAM 2013), 22 January 2013, Berlin, Germany [Conference Paper]
P.C. Santos, G.L. Nazar, F. Anjam, S. Wong, L. Carro, Adapting Communication for Adaptable Processors: A Multi-Axis Reconfiguration Approach 1306_adapting_communication_for_adaptable_processors_a_multiax.pdf (December 2012), International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2012), 5-7 December 2012, Cancun, Mexico [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, L. Carro, S. Wong, G.L. Nazar, M.B. Rutzig, Simultaneous Reconfiguration of Issue-width and Instruction Cache for a VLIW Processor 144_simultaneous_reconfiguration_of_issuewidth_and_instruction.pdf (July 2012), International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architecture Modeling and Simulation (IC-SAMOS 2012), 16-19 July 2012, Samos, Greece [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, Q. Kong, R.A.E. Seedorf, S. Wong, A Run-time Task Migration Scheme for an Adjustable Issue-slots Multi-core Processor 130_a_runtime_task_migration_scheme_for_an_adjustable_issueslo.pdf (March 2012), 8th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2012), 19-23 March 2012, Hong Kong, China [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, Q. Kong, R.A.E. Seedorf, S. Wong, On the Implementation of Traps for a Softcore VLIW Processor 126_on_the_implementation_of_traps_for_a_softcore_vliw_processor.pdf (January 2012), 6th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (WRC 2012), 24 January 2012, Paris, France [Conference Paper]
R.A.E. Seedorf, F. Anjam, A.A.C. Brandon, S. Wong, Design of a Pipelined and Parameterized VLIW Processor: ρ-VEX v.2 125_design_of_a_pipelined_and_parameterized_vliw_processor_rve.pdf (January 2012), 6th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (WRC 2012), 24 January 2012, Paris, France [Conference Paper]
S. Wong, A.A.C. Brandon, F. Anjam, R.A.E. Seedorf, R. Giorgi, N. Puzovic, S.A. McKee, L. Carro, G. Keramidas, Early Results from ERA - Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures 29_early_results_from_era__embedded_reconfigurable_architecture.pdf (July 2011), 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 26-29 July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, M. Nadeem, S. Wong, Targeting Code Diversity with Run-time Adjustable Issue-slots in a Chip Multiprocessor 79_targeting_code_diversity_with_runtime_adjustable_issueslots.pdf (March 2011), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2011), 14-18 March 2011, Grenoble, France [Conference Paper]
L. Sterpone, L. Carro, D. Matos, S. Wong, F. Anjam, A New Reconfigurable Clock-Gating Technique for Low Power SRAM-based FPGAs 1304_a_new_reconfigurable_clockgating_technique_for_low_power_s.pdf (March 2011), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2011), 14-18 March 2011, Grenoble, France [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, S. Wong, M.F. Nadeem, A Multiported Register File with Register Renaming for Configurable Softcore VLIW Processors 225_a_multiported_register_file_with_register_renaming_for_confi.pdf (December 2010), International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT 2010), 8-10 December 2010, Beijing, China [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, M. Nadeem, S. Wong, A VLIW Softcore Processor with Dynamically Adjustable Issue-slots 224_a_vliw_softcore_processor_with_dynamically_adjustable_issue.pdf (December 2010), International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT 2010), 8-10 December 2010, Beijing, China [Conference Paper]
M.F. Nadeem, F. Anjam, S.A. Ostadzadeh, M. Ahmadi, S. Wong, Towards the Utilization of Reconfigurable Processors in Grid Networks (November 2010), 21th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC), 18-19 November 2010, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
M. Nadeem, S. Wong, G.K. Kuzmanov, M. Shabbir, F. Anjam, M.F. Nadeem, Low-power, High-throughput Deblocking Filter for H.264/AVC 150_lowpower_highthroughput_deblocking_filter_for_h264avc.pdf (September 2010), International Symposium on System-on-Chip (SOC 2010), 28-30 September 2010, Tampere, Finland [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, S. Wong, M.F. Nadeem, A shared Reconfigurable VLIW Multiprocessor System 200_a_shared_reconfigurable_vliw_multiprocessor_system.pdf (April 2010), 17th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2010), 19-20 April 2010, Atlanta, USA [Conference Paper]
S. Wong, F. Anjam, M.F. Nadeem, Dynamically Reconfigurable Register File for a Softcore VLIW Processor 210_dynamically_reconfigurable_register_file_for_a_softcore_vliw.pdf (March 2010), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2010), 8-12 March 2010, Dresden, Germany [Conference Paper]
S. Wong, F. Anjam, The Delft Reconfigurable VLIW Processor 381_the_delft_reconfigurable_vliw_processor.pdf (December 2009), 17th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2009), 14-17 December 2009, Bangalore, India , Invited Paper [Conference Paper]