L. Carro

NameL. Carro
First NameLuigi
Author TypeExternal


P. H. E. Becker, A. L. Sartor, M Brandalero, TT Jost, S. Wong, L. Carro, A.C.S. Beck, A Low-Cost BRAM-Based Function Reuse for Configurable Soft-Core Processors in FPGAs 1703_a_lowcost_brambased_function_reuse_for_configurable_soft.pdf (May 2018), The 14th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2018), 2-4 May 2018, Santorini, Greece [Conference Paper]
J.D. Sousa, A. L. Sartor, L. Carro, M.B. Rutzig, S. Wong, A.C.S. Beck, DIM-VEX: Exploiting Design Time Configurability and Runtime Reconfigurability 1705_dimvex_exploiting_design_time_configurability_and_runtime.pdf (May 2018), The 14th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2018), 2-4 May 2018, Santorini, Greece [Conference Paper]
A. L. Sartor, A. F Lorenzon, L. Carro, F. Kastensmidt, S. Wong, A.C.S. Beck, Exploiting Idle Hardware to Provide Low Overhead Fault Tolerance for VLIW Processors 1598_exploiting_idle_hardware_to_provide_low_overhead_fault_tole.pdf (January 2017), ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC), volume 13, issue 2 [Journal Paper]
J.S.P. Giraldo, A. L. Sartor, L. Carro, S. Wong, A.C.S. Beck, Evaluation of energy savings on a VLIW processor through dynamic issue-width adaptation 1538_evaluation_of_energy_savings_on_a_vliw_processor_through_dy.pdf (October 2015), 2015 International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2015), 8-9 October 2016, Pittsburgh, PA, USA [Conference Paper]
A. L. Sartor, A. F Lorenzon, L. Carro, F. Kastensmidt, S. Wong, A.C.S. Beck, A Novel Phase-based Low Overhead Fault Tolerance Approach for VLIW Processors 1485_a_novel_phasebased_low_overhead_fault_tolerance_approach_f.pdf (July 2015), IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 08-10 July 2015, Montpellier, France [Conference Paper]
R. Ferreira, L. Rocha, A. Santos, J. Nacif, S. Wong, L. Carro, A Runtime FPGA Placement and Routing Using Low-Complexity Graph Traversal 1539__a_runtime_fpga_placement_and_routing_using_lowcomplexity.pdf (April 2015), ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), volume 8, issue 2 [Journal Paper]
R. Ferreira, W Denver, M Pereira, S. Wong, C. A. L. Arthur Lang Lisbôa, L. Carro, A Dynamic Modulo Scheduling with Binary Translation: Loop Optimization with Software Compatibility 1503_a_dynamic_modulo_scheduling_with_binary_translation_loop_o.pdf (January 2015), Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS) , http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11265-015-0974-8 [Journal Paper]
R. Ferreira, W Denver, M Pereira, J Quadros, L. Carro, S. Wong, A Run-Time Modulo Scheduling by using a Binary Translation Mechanism 1462_a_runtime_modulo_scheduling_by_using_a_binary_translation.pdf (July 2014), International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architecture Modeling and Simulation (IC-SAMOS 2014), 14-17 July 2014 , Samos, Greece [Conference Paper]
R. Ferreira, L. Rocha, A. Santos, J. Nacif, S. Wong, L. Carro, A run-time graph-based Polynomial Placement and routing algorithm for virtual FPGAS 1427_a_runtime_graphbased_polynomial_placement_and_routing_alg.pdf (September 2013), 23nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2013), 2-4 September 2013, Porto, Portugal , FPL Michael Servit Memorial (Best Paper) Award [Conference Paper]
R. Ferreira, V. Duarte, W. Meireles, M Pereira, L. Carro, S. Wong, A Just-In-Time Modulo Scheduling for Virtual Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures 1428_a_justintime_modulo_scheduling_for_virtual_coarsegrained.pdf (July 2013), International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architecture Modeling and Simulation (IC-SAMOS 2013), 15-18 July 2013, Samos, Greece [Conference Paper]
G. Keramidas, S. Wong, F. Anjam, A.A.C. Brandon, R.A.E. Seedorf, C. Scordino, L. Carro, D. Matos, R. Giorgi, S. Kavvadias, S.A. McKee, B. Goel, V. Spiliopoulos, Embedded Reconfigurable Computing: the ERA Approach 1381_embedded_reconfigurable_computing_the_era_approach.pdf (July 2013), 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2013), 29-31 July 2013, Bochum, Germany [Conference Paper]
P.C. Santos, G.L. Nazar, F. Anjam, S. Wong, D. Matos, L. Carro, A Fully Dynamic Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC: The Advantages of a Multi-Level Reconfiguration 1331_a_fully_dynamic_reconfigurable_nocbased_mpsoc_the_advanta.pdf (January 2013), 2nd Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multi-Core Embedded Computing Platforms (DITAM 2013), 22 January 2013, Berlin, Germany [Conference Paper]
P.C. Santos, G.L. Nazar, F. Anjam, S. Wong, D. Matos, L. Carro, A Fully Dynamic Reconfigurable NoC-based MPSoC: The Advantages of Total Reconfiguration 1344_a_fully_dynamic_reconfigurable_nocbased_mpsoc_the_advanta.pdf (January 2013), 7th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (WRC 2013), 21 January 2013, Berlin, Germany [Conference Paper]
P.C. Santos, G.L. Nazar, F. Anjam, S. Wong, L. Carro, Adapting Communication for Adaptable Processors: A Multi-Axis Reconfiguration Approach 1306_adapting_communication_for_adaptable_processors_a_multiax.pdf (December 2012), International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2012), 5-7 December 2012, Cancun, Mexico [Conference Paper]
F. Anjam, L. Carro, S. Wong, G.L. Nazar, M.B. Rutzig, Simultaneous Reconfiguration of Issue-width and Instruction Cache for a VLIW Processor 144_simultaneous_reconfiguration_of_issuewidth_and_instruction.pdf (July 2012), International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architecture Modeling and Simulation (IC-SAMOS 2012), 16-19 July 2012, Samos, Greece [Conference Paper]
S. Wong, L. Carro, M.B. Rutzig, D. Matos, R. Giorgi, N. Puzovic, S. Kaxiras, M. Cintra, G. Desoli, P. Gai, S.A. McKee, A. Zaks, ERA - Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures (August 2011), Book Title "Reconfigurable Computing - From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign", Published by Springer [Book Chapter]
S. Wong, A.A.C. Brandon, F. Anjam, R.A.E. Seedorf, R. Giorgi, N. Puzovic, S.A. McKee, L. Carro, G. Keramidas, Early Results from ERA - Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures 29_early_results_from_era__embedded_reconfigurable_architecture.pdf (July 2011), 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 26-29 July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal [Conference Paper]
L. Sterpone, L. Carro, D. Matos, S. Wong, F. Anjam, A New Reconfigurable Clock-Gating Technique for Low Power SRAM-based FPGAs 1304_a_new_reconfigurable_clockgating_technique_for_low_power_s.pdf (March 2011), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2011), 14-18 March 2011, Grenoble, France [Conference Paper]
A.C.S. Beck, M.B. Rutzig, G.N. Gaydadjiev, L. Carro, Run-time Adaptable Architectures for Heterogeneous Behavior Embedded Systems 499_runtime_adaptable_architectures_for_heterogeneous_behavior.pdf (March 2008), 4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK [Conference Paper]
A.C.S. Beck, M.B. Rutzig, G.N. Gaydadjiev, L. Carro, Transparent Reconfigurable Acceleration for Heterogeneous Embedded Applications 494_transparent_reconfigurable_acceleration_for_heterogeneous_em.pdf (March 2008), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany [Conference Paper]
J.C.B. de Mattos, S. Wong, L. Carro, The Molen FemtoJava Engine 701_the_molen_femtojava_engine.pdf (September 2006), 17th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2006), 11-13 September 2006, Steamboat Springs, USA [Conference Paper]