L.A. Sousa
Name | L.A. Sousa |
First Name | Leonel |
Author Type | External |
Affiliation |
H. Pettenghi, S.D. Cotofana, L.A. Sousa,
Efficient Method for Designing Modulo {2n ± k} Multipliers
(January 2014),
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, volume 23, issue 1
[Journal Paper]
K.A. Gbolagade, R. Chaves, L.A. Sousa, S.D. Cotofana,
An Improved Reverse Converter for the {2^{2n+1}-1, 2^{n}, 2^{n}-1} Moduli Set
(June 2010),
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), 30 May - 2 June 2010, Paris, France
[Conference Paper]
K.A. Gbolagade, R. Chaves, L.A. Sousa, S.D. Cotofana,
Residue-to-Binary Converters for the Moduli Set {2^{2n+1}-1, 2^{2n}, 2^{n}-1}
(December 2009),
2nd International Conference On Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST09), 14-16 December 2009, Accra, Ghana
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa,
On-the-fly Attestation of Reconfigurable Hardware
(September 2008),
18th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2008), 8-10 September 2008, Heidelberg, Germany
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa, S. Vassiliadis,
Cost-Efficient SHA Hardware Accelerators
(August 2008),
IEEE Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI), volume 16, issue 8
[Journal Paper]
F. Pratas, G.N. Gaydadjiev, M. Berekovic, L.A. Sousa, S. Kaxiras,
Low Power Microarchitecture with Instruction Reuse
(May 2008),
5th Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF 2008), 5-7 May 2008, Ischia, Italy
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa, S. Vassiliadis,
Merged Computation for Whirlpool Hashing
(March 2008),
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, B. Donchev, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa, S. Vassiliadis,
BRAM-LUT tradeoff on a Polymorphic DES Design
(January 2008),
3rd International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC 2008), 27-29 January 2008, Göteborg, Sweden
[Conference Paper]
C. van der Bok, R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa, A.J. van Genderen,
Dynamic FPGA Reconfigurations with Run-Time Region Delimitation
(November 2007),
18th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2007), 29-30 November 2007, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, S. Vassiliadis, L.A. Sousa,
Reconfigurable Cryptographic Processor
(November 2006),
17th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2006), 23-24 November 2006, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa, S. Vassiliadis,
Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations
(October 2006),
8th International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2006), 10-13 October 2006, Yokohama, Japan
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa, S. Vassiliadis,
Rescheduling for Optimized SHA-1 Calculation
(July 2006),
6th International Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2006), 17-20 July 2006, Samos, Greece
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, S. Vassiliadis, L.A. Sousa,
Reconfigurable Memory Based AES Co-Processor
(April 2006),
13th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2006), 25-26 April 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, S. Vassiliadis, L.A. Sousa,
Polymorphic AES Encryption Implementation
(November 2005),
16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2005), 17-18 November 2005, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
[Conference Paper]
S. Vassiliadis, L.A. Sousa, G.N. Gaydadjiev,
The Midlifekicker Microarchitecture Evaluation Metric
(July 2005),
16th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP 2005), 23-25 July 2005, Samos, Greece
[Conference Paper]