Y. Lu

NameY. Lu
First NameYi
Author TypePhd Student
AffiliationTU Delft


D. Iorga, R. Nane, Y. Lu, E van Dalen, K.L.M. Bertels, An Image Processing VLIW Architecture for Real-Time Depth Detection 1555_an_image_processing_vliw_architecture_for_realtime_depth_d.pdf (October 2016), 28th International Conference on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2016), 26-28 October 2016, Los Angeles, USA [Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, Efficient hardware task reuse and interrupt handling mechanisms for FPGA-based partially reconfigurable systems (December 2010), International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT 2010), 8-10 December 2010, Beijing, China [Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, T. Marconi, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, A Communication Aware Online Task Scheduling Algorithm for FPGA-based Partially Reconfigurable Systems 189_a_communication_aware_online_task_scheduling_algorithm_for_f.pdf (May 2010), 18th Annual International IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM 2010), 2-4 May 2010, Charlotte, USA [Conference Paper]
T. Marconi, Y. Lu, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, 3D Compaction: a Novel Blocking-aware Algorithm for Online Hardware Task Scheduling and Placement on 2D Partially Reconfigurable Devices 206_3d_compaction_a_novel_blockingaware_algorithm_for_online_h.pdf (March 2010), 6th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2010), 17-19 March 2010, Bangkok, Thailand [Conference Paper]
T. Marconi, Y. Lu, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, A Novel Fast Online Placement Algorithm on 2D Partially Reconfigurable Devices 371_a_novel_fast_online_placement_algorithm_on_2d_partially_reco.pdf (December 2009), International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT 2009), 9-11 December 2009, Sidney, Australia [Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, T. Marconi, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, Online Task Scheduling for the FPGA-Based Partially Reconfigurable Systems 362_online_task_scheduling_for_the_fpgabased_partially_reconfig.pdf (March 2009), 5th International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2009), 16-18 March 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany [Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, T. Marconi, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels, R.J. Meeuws, A Self-adaptive on-line Task Placement Algorithm for Partially Reconfigurable Systems 489_a_selfadaptive_online_task_placement_algorithm_for_partial.pdf (April 2008), 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS 2008), 14-18 April 2008, Miami, USA [Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, T. Marconi, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels, An Efficient Algorithm for Free Resources Management on the FPGA 493_an_efficient_algorithm_for_free_resources_management_on_the.pdf (March 2008), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany [Conference Paper]
T. Marconi, Y. Lu, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, Intelligent Merging Online Task Placement Algorithm for Partial Reconfigurable Systems 492_intelligent_merging_online_task_placement_algorithm_for_part.pdf (March 2008), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany [Conference Paper]
T. Marconi, Y. Lu, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, Online Hardware Task Scheduling and Placement Algorithm on Partially Reconfigurable Devices 498_online_hardware_task_scheduling_and_placement_algorithm_on_p.pdf (March 2008), 4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK [Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, T. Marconi, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels, A new model of placement quality measurement for online task placement 664_a_new_model_of_placement_quality_measurement_for_online_task.pdf (November 2007), 18th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2007), 29-30 November 2007, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
Y.D. Yankova, G.K. Kuzmanov, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev, Y. Lu, S. Vassiliadis, DWARV: DelftWorkbench Automated Reconfigurable VHDL Generator 574_dwarv_delftworkbench_automated_reconfigurable_vhdl_generato.pdf (August 2007), 17th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2007), 27-29 August 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]