E. Moscu Panainte

NameE. Moscu Panainte
First NameElena
Author TypePhd Student
AffiliationTU Delft


V.M. Sima, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, Resource Allocation Algorithm And OpenMP Extensions For Parallel Execution On A Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Platform 430_resource_allocation_algorithm_and_openmp_extensions_for_para.pdf (September 2008), 18th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2008), 8-10 September 2008, Heidelberg, Germany [Conference Paper]
O.S. Dragomir, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Wong, Optimal Unroll Factor for Reconfigurable Architectures 496_optimal_unroll_factor_for_reconfigurable_architectures.pdf (March 2008), 4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK [Conference Paper]
Z. Nawaz, O.S. Dragomir, T. Marconi, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Recursive Variable Expansion: A Loop Transformation for Reconfigurable Systems 644_recursive_variable_expansion_a_loop_transformation_for_reco.pdf (December 2007), International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT 2007), 12-14 December 2007, Kokurakita, Japan [Conference Paper]
V.M. Sima, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, FPGA area allocation for parallel C applications 683_fpga_area_allocation_for_parallel_c_applications.pdf (November 2007), 18th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2007), 29-30 November 2007, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
O.S. Dragomir, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, Loop Parallelization for Reconfigurable Architectures 682_loop_parallelization_for_reconfigurable_architectures.pdf (November 2007), 18th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2007), 29-30 November 2007, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
V.M. Sima, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, Area allocation on reconfigurable hardware for parallel C applications (September 2007), 7th Architectures and Compilers for Embedded Systems Symposium (ACES 2007), 17-18 September 2007, Edegem, Belgium [Conference Paper]
F. Thoma, M. Kühnle, P. Bonnot, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Goller, A. Schneider, S. Guyetant, E. Schaeler, K.D. Müller-Glaser, J.A. Becker, MORPHEUS: Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Computing (August 2007), 17th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2007), 27-29 August 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
K.L.M. Bertels, G.K. Kuzmanov, E. Moscu Panainte, G.N. Gaydadjiev, Y.D. Yankova, V.M. Sima, K. Sigdel, R.J. Meeuws, S. Vassiliadis, Hartes Toolchain Early Evaluation: Profiling, Compilation and HDL Generation 583_hartes_toolchain_early_evaluation_profiling_compilation_an.pdf (August 2007), 17th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2007), 27-29 August 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
K.L.M. Bertels, G.K. Kuzmanov, E. Moscu Panainte, G.N. Gaydadjiev, Y.D. Yankova, V.M. Sima, K. Sigdel, R.J. Meeuws, S. Vassiliadis, Profiling, Compilation, and HDL Generation within the hArtes Project 625_profiling_compilation_and_hdl_generation_within_the_hartes.pdf (April 2007), Workshop on Directions in FPGAs and Reconfigurable Systems: Adaptive Heterogeneous Systems-on-Chip and European Dimensions (DATE 2007 Workshop), 16-20 April 2007, Nice, France [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, The Molen Compiler for Reconfigurable Processors 638_the_molen_compiler_for_reconfigurable_processors.pdf (February 2007), ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), volume 6, issue 1 [Journal Paper]
C. Galuzzi, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Two Algorithms for the Generation of Convex MIMO instructions 778_two_algorithms_for_the_generation_of_convex_mimo_instruction.pdf (November 2006), 17th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2006), 23-24 November 2006, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
C. Galuzzi, E. Moscu Panainte, Y.D. Yankova, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Automatic Selection of Application-Specific Instruction-Set Extensions 801_automatic_selection_of_applicationspecific_instructionset.pdf (October 2006), 4th International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2006), 22-25 October 2006, Seoul, Korea [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Interprocedural Compiler Optimization for Partial Run-Time Reconguration (May 2006), Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), volume 43, issue 2-3 [Journal Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Compiler-driven FPGA-area Allocation for Reconfigurable Computing 758_compilerdriven_fpgaarea_allocation_for_reconfigurable_comp.pdf (March 2006), Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2006), 6-10 March 2006, Munich, Germany [Conference Paper]
S. Vassiliadis, G.K. Kuzmanov, S. Wong, E. Moscu Panainte, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels, D. Cheresiz, PISC: Polymorphic Instruction Set Computers 760_pisc_polymorphic_instruction_set_computers.pdf (March 2006), 2nd International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures and Applications (ARC 2006), 1-3 March 2006, Delft, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, The Molen Compiler Backend for Reconfigurable Architectures (December 2005), Compiler and Architecture Seminar, organized by IBM Research Lab, 12 December 2005, Haifa, Israel [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, FPGA-area Allocation for Partial Run-Time Reconfiguration 886_fpgaarea_allocation_for_partial_runtime_reconfiguration.pdf (November 2005), 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2005), 17-18 November 2005, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Interprocedural Optimization for Dynamic Hardware Configurations 834_interprocedural_optimization_for_dynamic_hardware_configurat.pdf (July 2005), 5th International Workshop on Computer Systems: Architectures, Modelling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2005), 18-20 July 2005, Samos, Greece [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Instruction Scheduling for Dynamic Hardware Configurations 852_instruction_scheduling_for_dynamic_hardware_configurations.pdf (March 2005), Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exposition (DATE 2005), 7-11 March 2005, Munich, Germany [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Multimedia Reconfigurable Hardware Design Space Exploration 967_multimedia_reconfigurable_hardware_design_space_exploration.pdf (November 2004), 16th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems (PDCS 2004), 9-11 November 2004, Cambridge (MIT), USA [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Instruction Scheduling for Hiding Reconfiguration Latency (November 2004), 15th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRisc 2004), 25-26 November 2004, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
S. Vassiliadis, S. Wong, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels, G.K. Kuzmanov, E. Moscu Panainte, The Molen Polymorphic Processor 960_the_molen_polymorphic_processor.pdf (November 2004), IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), volume 53, issue 11 [Journal Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, The PowerPC Backend Molen Compiler 900_the_powerpc_backend_molen_compiler.pdf (August 2004), 14th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2004), 30 August - 1 September 2004, Leuven, Belgium [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Dynamic Hardware Reconfigurations: Performance Impact on MPEG2 915_dynamic_hardware_reconfigurations_performance_impact_on_mpe.pdf (July 2004), 4th International Workshop on Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2004), 19-21 July 2004, Samos, Greece [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, PowerPC compiler Backend for the Molen Programming Paradigm 1055_powerpc_compiler_backend_for_the_molen_programming_paradigm.pdf (November 2003), 14th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2003), 27-29 November 2003, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Compiling for the Molen Programming Paradigm 1003_compiling_for_the_molen_programming_paradigm.pdf (September 2003), 13th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2003), 1-3 September 2003, Lisbon, Portugal [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Compiling for the Molen Programming Paradigm 1501_compiling_for_the_molen_programming_paradigm.pdf (September 2003), 13th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2003), 1-3 September 2003, Lisbon, Portugal [Conference Paper]
S. Vassiliadis, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels, E. Moscu Panainte, The Molen Programming Paradigm 1019_the_molen_programming_paradigm.pdf (July 2003), 3rd International Workshop on Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2003), 21-23 July 2003, Samos, Greece [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Vassiliadis, Developing a Retargetable Compiler: Some Preliminary Results 1136_developing_a_retargetable_compiler_some_preliminary_result.pdf (November 2002), 13th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (ProRISC 2002), 27-29 November 2002, Veldhoven, The Netherlands [Conference Paper]
E. Moscu Panainte, I. Athanasiu, S.D. Cotofana, An Optimization Framework for Retargetable Compilers (May 2001), 13th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Sciences (CSCS 2001), May 2001, Bucharest, Romania [Conference Paper]