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Displaying 951-975 of 1700 result(s).
A. Azevedo, C.H. Meenderinck, B.H.H. Juurlink, M. Alvarez, A. Ramirez,
Analysis of Video Filtering on the Cell Processor
(May 2008),
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2008), 18-21 May 2008, Seattle, USA
[Conference Paper]
P.J. de Langen, B.H.H. Juurlink,
Leakage-Aware Multiprocessor Scheduling
(May 2008),
Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), volume 57, issue 1
[Journal Paper]
A. Shahbahrami, B.H.H. Juurlink, S. Vassiliadis,
Versatility of Extended Subwords and the Matrix Register File
(May 2008),
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), volume 5, issue 1
[Journal Paper]
V. Kyovtorov, H. Kabakchiev, V. Behar, G.K. Kuzmanov, I. Garvanov, L. Doukovska,
FPGA implementation of low-frequency GPR signal algorithm using frequency stepped chirp signals in the time domain
(May 2008),
International Radar Symposium (IRS 2008), 21-23 May 2008, Wroclaw, Poland
[Conference Paper]
M. Wirthlin, D. Poznanovic, P. Sundararajan, A. Coppola, D. Pellerin, W. Najjar, R. Bruce, M. Babst, O. Pritchard, G.K. Kuzmanov,
OpenFPGA CoreLib core library interoperability effort
(May 2008),
Parallel Computing, volume 34, issue 4-5
[Journal Paper]
I. Sourdis, J.C. Bispo, J.M.P. Cardoso, S. Vassiliadis,
Regular Expression Matching in Reconfigurable Hardware
(April 2008),
Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), volume 51, issue 1
, Invited Paper
[Journal Paper]
K.G.W. Goossens, M. Bennebroek, J.Y. Hur, M.A. Wahlah,
Hardwired Networks on Chip in FPGAs to unify Data and Configuration Interconnects
(April 2008),
2nd International Symposium on Networks-on-Chips (NOCS 2008), 5-6 April 2008, Newcastle, UK
[Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, T. Marconi, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels, R.J. Meeuws,
A Self-adaptive on-line Task Placement Algorithm for Partially Reconfigurable Systems
(April 2008),
22nd IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS 2008), 14-18 April 2008, Miami, USA
[Conference Paper]
L. Hasan, Z. Al-Ars,
Accurate Profiling and Acceleration Evaluation of the Smith-Waterman Algorithm using the MOLEN Platform
(April 2008),
IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing (AC 2008), 10-13 April 2008, Algarve, Portugal
[Conference Paper]
C.H. Meenderinck, A. Azevedo, B.H.H. Juurlink, M. Alvarez, A. Ramirez,
Parallel Scalability of Video Decoders
(April 2008),
CE technical report
[Technical Report]
T. Marconi, Y. Lu, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev,
Intelligent Merging Online Task Placement Algorithm for Partial Reconfigurable Systems
(March 2008),
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany
[Conference Paper]
Y. Lu, T. Marconi, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.L.M. Bertels,
An Efficient Algorithm for Free Resources Management on the FPGA
(March 2008),
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany
[Conference Paper]
A.C.S. Beck, M.B. Rutzig, G.N. Gaydadjiev, L. Carro,
Transparent Reconfigurable Acceleration for Heterogeneous Embedded Applications
(March 2008),
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany
[Conference Paper]
R. Chaves, G.K. Kuzmanov, L.A. Sousa, S. Vassiliadis,
Merged Computation for Whirlpool Hashing
(March 2008),
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany
[Conference Paper]
O.S. Dragomir, E. Moscu Panainte, K.L.M. Bertels, S. Wong,
Optimal Unroll Factor for Reconfigurable Architectures
(March 2008),
4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK
[Conference Paper]
A. Vitkovski, G.K. Kuzmanov, G.N. Gaydadjiev,
Memory Organization with Multi-Pattern Parallel Accesses
(March 2008),
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany
[Conference Paper]
T. Marconi, Y. Lu, K.L.M. Bertels, G.N. Gaydadjiev,
Online Hardware Task Scheduling and Placement Algorithm on Partially Reconfigurable Devices
(March 2008),
4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK
[Conference Paper]
A.C.S. Beck, M.B. Rutzig, G.N. Gaydadjiev, L. Carro,
Run-time Adaptable Architectures for Heterogeneous Behavior Embedded Systems
(March 2008),
4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK
[Conference Paper]
C. Galuzzi, K.L.M. Bertels,
The Instruction-Set Extension Problem: A Survey
(March 2008),
4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK
[Conference Paper]
C. Galuzzi, K.L.M. Bertels,
A Framework for the Automatic Generation of Instruction-Set Extensions for Reconfigurable Architectures
(March 2008),
4th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications (ARC 2008), 26-28 March 2008, London, UK
[Conference Paper]
A.M. Molnos, S.D. Cotofana, M.J.M. Heijligers,
Compositional, dynamic cache management for embedded chip multiprocessors
(March 2008),
Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2008), 10-14 March 2008, Munich, Germany
[Conference Paper]
I. Sourdis, D.N. Pnevmatikatos, S. Vassiliadis,
Scalable MultiGigabit Pattern Matching for Packet Inspection
(February 2008),
IEEE Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI), volume 16, issue 2
, Special Section on Configurable Computing Design II: Hardware Level Reconfiguration
[Journal Paper]
S. Bhattacharyya, J. Takala, G.N. Gaydadjiev,
Special Issue on Embedded Computing Systems for DSP
(February 2008),
Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), volume 50, issue 2
[Journal Paper]
R.A. Stefan, I. Sourdis, G.N. Gaydadjiev, K.G.W. Goossens,
Comparison of custom topology networks against rigid interconnects
(February 2008),
CE technical report
[Technical Report]
F.J. Bouwens, M. Berekovic, B. de Sutter, G.N. Gaydadjiev,
Architecture Enhancements for the ADRES Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array
(January 2008),
3rd International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC 2008), 27-29 January 2008, Göteborg, Sweden
[Conference Paper]